

As a cereal grower, managing grass weeds and disease is essential to your success 

Syngenta brings global expertise and decades of knowledge to you. Through our portfolio of herbicides, fungicides, plant growth regulators (PGRs) and extensive experience with application and new farming technology, we help guide your cereal management strategy with confidence. 

Together, with our team of advisors, we can help build consistent yield increases and produce the highest quality crop. 

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NIAB research puts focus on early spring grass weeds actions

NIAB research has highlighted the immediate priority for growers to target grass weeds that are in the crop now, rather than waiting for more to emerge later in the spring. The results reinforce the role of Axial Pro for early grass weed control.

John Cussans, Weed Biology and Management Specialist at NIAB reports the trials, in association with Syngenta, will help growers focus on what weeds they want to control, both from a crop yield and competition point of view, but more importantly from the potential seed return.
“The message for early spring is the weeds you see in the crop right now are the ones that you are targeting; the ones that germinate later and later are less and less of a threat to the crop, and less and less of a threat in terms of ongoing seed return,” he advised.
John highlighted the results, assessing a range of grass weeds germinating at different times through an autumn sown crop, showed individual plants which emerged two or three months after the crop was drilled were about four or five times smaller than the individuals that emerged with the crop.

According to Syngenta Field Technical Manager, Pete Hawkins, the advice from the trial for Axial Pro application this season is to target Italian ryegrass, perennial ryegrass and wild oats when they are smaller and actively growing. “Prioritise fields with larger overwintered weeds and ideally control weeds before fertiliser applications, as that will further strengthen their growth. “Also consider tank mixing with PGRS and appropriate broad-leaved weed herbicides to save time and make effective use of application windows,” he added. “And finally optimise application techniques to ensure good coverage of weeds and achieve best possible control from your selective herbicide."

Elatus ERA product label photo

One product, eight crops

Broad spectrum disease control

Tried and trusted

axial Product photo

Exceptional selective herbicide

Tackles problematic grass weeds early

Proven to reduce the grass weeds burden


Contains trinexapac-ethyl

Wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, durum wheat

and ryegrass seed crops

MODDUS Enhanced Rooting

MODDUS delivers enhanced rooting for better yield. How strong are the roots of a MODDUS-treated plant? We tested it in the field and we found a force of 71 newtons! We found 25% more force is needed to pull up MODDUS-treated plants than untreated. 

Why should you use MODDUS? 

  • Enhanced anchorage to reduce the risk of root lodging
  • Increased water uptake and drought resistance 
  • Enhanced nutrient uptake and nitrogen utilisation

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