Variety Overview

End-use group: Livestock feed

Market options: Six-row feed, Hybrid

Soil preference: Suitable for all soil types and performs especially well on light land

Regional positioning: Great choice for the North

Sowing rate: Approx 200 seeds/m2 in good conditions. Up to 250 seeds/m2 in grass weed situations

Key features: SY ARMADILLO can help you toughen up your disease protection. It has exceptional standing power and is a great choice for the North and performs well on light land. This variety offers exceptional Rhynchosporium resistance which provides a solid foundation for protection against wet weather diseases. These robust agronomics add flexibility to disease management timings, and along with all the other hybrid barley varieties, it offers grass weed suppression as standard.


Breeding Insight


SY ARMADILLO offers outstanding protection against Rhynchosporium in combination with high yield (especially in the North), excellent standing power, low brackling and good grain quality.

Ben Urquhart

Rhynchosporium on Barley


Tailor your fungicide programme to your variety

Barley trial showing different crop heights


Growth regulation advice for your Barley


Integrate your approach to barley weed management

Orange Blossom Midge on Barley


Manage pest pressure in your crop