Propino spring barley

Variety Overview

End-use group: PROPINO is no longer MBC approved, although some maltsters will accept it, please check local maltsters for acceptability. Still a good option on farm for feed.

Market options: Some maltsters (check for acceptance), export and feed

Regional positioning: Performs well in all regions

Soil preference: Suitable for all soil types

Agronomics: Robust disease profile and early maturity

Parentage: Quench x NFC Tipple

Key features: PROPINO is a spring barley that has been on the Recommended List since 2010 and until recently was the mainstay of the brewing market. PROPINO is no longer on the RL and no longer has MBC Approval, but is still popular with growers for its consistency on farm.

Key Performance Statistics


Breeding Insight

PROPINO has been the mainstay of the English brewing market for the past ten years. It is consistent, tried and trusted. Many growers still like and it still has its place. It is no longer MBC Approved and growers may want to look to move to LAUREATE , or the newer provisionally approved varieties SY TUNGSTEN and SY SPLENDOR.

Tracy Creasy

Propino Spring Barley Grain and Ear

PROPINO Spring Barley

PROPINO grain and ear

Propino Spring Barley in ear

PROPINO Spring Barley

Basking in the sun whilst grain filling

Rhynchosporium on Barley


Tailor your fungicide programme to your variety

Barley trial showing different crop heights


Growth regulation advice for your Barley


Integrate your approach to barley weed management

Orange Blossom Midge on Barley


Manage pest pressure in your crop