Seed treatments for winter crops

Choosing a wheat seed treatment

Seedling disease protection

BERET® Gold provides excellent overall seedling disease protection. It is especially strong on Fusarium and Microdochium which can significantly impact crop establishment.

VIBRANCE Duo is the best technical product against seed and soil-borne diseases. It gives fast emergence, proven rooting benefits and strong early crop development which can help to build a more resilient crop to cope with stress.

Build a resilient crop with VIBRANCE Duo

VIBRANCE Duo has proven to consistently improve establishment.

Newark, Nottinghamshire, SY INSITOR winter wheat, light soil drilled 15th October 2020. Picture taken 1st November 2020 and rooting assessed 24th February 2021.

Dorset, GLEAM winter wheat, chalk soil drilled mid-October 2020. Picture taken 2nd November 2020

VIBRANCE Duo has proven to consistently increase rooting.

Banbury, Oxfordshire. SY INSITOR winter wheat, light soil drilled 16th October 2020. Assessed 19th February 2021.

Choosing a winter barley seed treatment

VIBRANCE Duo now has registration for use as a seed treatment for winter barley

For the control of seed-borne Microdochium seedling blight, covered smut and moderate control of leaf stripe. As in wheat, the VIBRANCE effect can also be seen in barley: VIBRANCE Duo has excellent establishment and rooting benefits.

Summary of VIBRANCE DUO activity in barley

Use VIBRANCE Duo on:

  • Certified seed
  • Farm saved seed tested with <0.2% loose smut infection

Use VIBRANCE Duo with a loose smut active partner in high risk loose smut situations:

  • Untested or loose smut infected farm saved seed
  • When planning to farm save your seed

Improved establishment from VIBRANCE Duo for a more resilient crop

Brandon, Suffolk, SY THUNDERBOLT hybrid winter barley drilled 18th September 2020. Picture taken 9th October 2020 and rooting assessed 15th March 2021.

Improved rooting in winter barley

Doncaster, Yorkshire, sandy loam soil, SY THUNDERBOLT hybrid winter barley drilled 6th October 2020. Picture taken 19th April 2021.

Trials have shown excellent rooting benefits in barley with both VIBRANCE Duo alone and co-applied with a loose smut active partner. 
Winter barley average rooting data across 29 sites (13 hybrid barley and 16 winter barley).